PIP - G-Tek® VP Economy Foam Nitrile Coated Palm #34-C234

PIP - G-Tek® VP Economy Foam Nitrile Coated Palm #34-C234

PIP - MaxiFlex® Elite™ Nylon, Micro-Foam Nitrile Grip #34-274

PIP - MaxiFlex® Elite™ Nylon, Micro-Foam Nitrile Grip #34-274

Cordova Glove - Cor-Touch Foam™ Nitrile Coating Glove #6891

Cordova Glove - Cor-Touch Foam™ Nitrile Coating Glove #6891 is available to buy in increments of 12

Cordova Glove- Cor-Touch Foam™ Nitrile Coating Glove #6891.

White 13-Gauge Nylon shell with grey foam nitrile palm coating.

Available Sizes Cordova
Part Number
Small 6891/S
Medium 6891/M
Large 6891/L
Extra Large 6891/XL






Sold by the dozen