Sulfur Dioxide Calibration Gas for RAE Systems Monitors

Sulfur Dioxide Calibration Gas for RAE Systems Monitors

Calibration Gas for RAE Systems VRAE 3 Gas Monitor (CO,LEL,O2)

Calibration Gas for RAE Systems VRAE 3 Gas Monitor (CO,LEL,O2)

Calibration Gas for RAE Systems VRAE 4 Gas Monitor (CO,H2S,LEL,O2)


Calibration Gas for RAE Systems VRAE Multi-Gas Monitor.

Our Calibration Gases are made to specifications to meet the RAE Systems VRAE Gas Monitors with CO,H2S,LEL and O2 sensors installed. 

*Note- The VRAE can have other Toxic sensors installed, please view our other specific calibration gas mixtures for your specific need. If you do not find what you are looking for please give us a call.

Shelf Life:
2 years

Safety Data Sheet:

SDS-Calibration Gas for VRAE 4 Gas Mix (CO,H2S,LEL,O2)

* Hazmat shipping fee is included. Standard shipping rates will apply.

Specifications / (Quad Mixture):

50 ppm Carbon Monoxide (CO)
25 ppm Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
50% LEL (Methane) 
20.9% Oxygen
Balance Nitrogen

Bottle Size Cylinder Make Regulator
Part Number
 34 Liter  Aluminum Male NSG34-4GR-25
44 Liter Refillable Aluminum Male NSG44-4GR-25
58 Liter Aluminum Male NSG58-4GR-25
116 Liter Refillable Aluminum Male NSG116-4GR-25

*44 and 116 Liter Cylinders are refillable, portable cylinders that eliminate disposal fees and regulatory paperwork. Call today about our Refillable Calibration Gas program.